No Time for Reading – College Life

Yeah guys it is official the semester has began! Run, Hide and wish for the best!


It is that stressful time of the year when I have to study day and night to make sure that the prior three years of hard work won’t go down the drain.

This year I am a senior and by this time next year I am going to be a College time flies!

Nevertheless, with this semester it is time to say goodbye to my readings! I am positive that I won’t have any time to read because all my courses are really difficult and demanding aka NO LIFE ALERT!

However, I want to actually TRY to read some books like Stephen King’s “Under the Dome”, Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Oriental Express” and “Emma” by Jane Austen. So I decided to put it in writing so that you are going to be my judges in a way. My goal is to read these books, if not more during September, and let you know what I think about them.

I also received a book called “ZAROX” by a new upcoming author, so I am also excited to let you know about my thoughts and ultimately if it is worth your time!

I will try to maintain my philosophy about reading books on the train while I commute back and forth from the university but honestly, I don’t think I will have the energy this time!

Do you have time to read when your time is full either with work or classes? How do you make it work?!

15 thoughts on “No Time for Reading – College Life

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  1. I find time to read at night but sometimes I may not read at all for a few days. Good luck on your studies! By the way I’ve just started reading Emma but it’s too early to know if I like it. I haven’t read anything else from Jane Austen.

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  2. Good luck on your studies! I also like to read while I’m busy studying. I have tried it. Sometimes I fail and sometimes I can handle it. The thing that works the best for me, is reading the books I like while I’m on a break in the middle of my studies. I’ve found it very refreshing. However, for me, the book I choose for that time must have special traits! It must be an enjoyable book, so that I feel uplifted, by reading a few paragraphs of it. But some books are so good and mind-nourishing, making it hard for me to put them away and go back to my studies! So it’s better to choose a moderate one. 🙂

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  3. I always went through phases of binge reading and then not reading, mostly I’d read at break and lunch in school, now though starting college I don’t know how I’m gonna fit it all in. Although I’ve already read 4 books this month so I’m good for the month haha. Good luck!

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      1. I hope you can find a good balance! I just never wanted to read for fun when I was forced to read so much for requirement, haha. Maybe set a side a you day and pick up a good book every so often on that day. Do other enjoyable things too so you don’t get burnt out!

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